Tuesdays dinner was so memorable - not - that I cannot remember what the heck it was and no piccie to prompt the memory.
Wednesday we had crumbed chicken on a bed of leek & mushroom with a chunk of Persian Fetta crumbled over the mushrooms which slightly melted and gave a lovely creamy texture to the mushroom & leek.

I sauted one leek and a handful of thickly sliced mushrooms in a knob of butter for flavour and a tablespoon of o.oil, when plated I crumbled the fetta over the mushroom bed and lay the crumbed chicken on top.
Thursday was the old stand-by, Spaghetti Bolognese, at least I made the sauce instead of using a jar.

Recently the Darling popped into some electrical hardware type store down in the back blocks of town, didn't notice the industrial kitchen supply store just a couple of doors down did he.
I skittled in there and got myself one of these little babies,

The support team were invited to dinner but they got a better offer late in the day, so there I was with 2 B.B.Q chickens, which turned out to be a good thing.
Did a little ferrying of a son around town and didn't get home until 7p.m., hungry dogs, cat and a Darling were waiting to be fed.
Chopped up an onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 1/2 stalk of celery and 1/2 a green capsicum, popped it all into a frypan with some oil over a pretty high heat, as soon as the onion started to soften I poured a can of chopped tomatoes, added some dried oregano, salt, pepper and a dessertspoon of tomato paste and a glass of red wine.
While it all simmered down to a reasonable looking sauce I stripped one chicken and chopped the meat. Kept the best for us and fed the rest to the animals, they thought they had reached heaven and almost forgave me for being so late with their dinner.
Stirred the chicken into the sauce to just heat, topped it with a few sliced black olives and some zested parmesan and served it over rissoni - not trying to be artful there, just out of everything else.
We were both surprised that it tasted as good as it did. Sometimes the gods do smile on you.
The Grandies are coming for a sleep-over this arvo so dinner tonight will be ...........erk and ugh.........sausages....