Monday, May 19, 2008

Cold & windy day........

..felt like some nice comforting soup for dinner, it was such an awful day out plus still recovering from yesterday, we didn't get too active, spent most of the day inside, so made a bacon, tomato and vegetable soup for dinner, sprinkled some ground Parmesan over and made garlic, onion & Parmesan croutons.
Tomato Vegetable & Bacon Soup
The soup was simply made, trim the fat from a couple of bacon rashers and dice, transfer to a saucepan and cook till crisp, add any selection of vegetables you have around, I used sweet potato, carrot, beans onion, garlic, broccoli stems, and corn off the cob, sweat till starting to soften, add a 410gram can of crushed tomatoes, some fresh basil leaves and chopped parsley and two cans of stock or water. Simmer until veg is soft, serve with croutons or toast with some freshly ground parmesan sprinkled on top of the soup.

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