Saturday, May 17, 2008

Lovely Surprise..........

.........our youngest came for dinner last night, he was in town and popped in to say Hi and stayed to munch, (mind you, he only lives half an hour away), luckily I had one of his fav's lined up for dinner, lamb cutlets, did them with a crisped bacon rasher, garlic mashed potatoes, baby green peas, and corn on the cob with the Darlings favourite mint jelly.

The potatoes were neither a good variety, nor quality, having been bought at the supermarket.

Garlic Mashed Potatoes
They were turned into reasonable mashed potatoes by steaming 2 large potatoes, cut into quarters, with a sprinkling of sea salt flakes over them. While they were steaming I pulverised to a cream a large clove of garlic in the mortar. Heated a 1/4 cup milk to scalding in a saucepan, added the cooked potatoes and the creamy garlic and using a whisk, mashed till fluffy, when plated, put a good dob of butter on top, a little more than half a teaspoon each......very naughty but yummy.

The bacon was crisped in the heavy baking dish on top of the stove, when almost done, pushed to the other end of the baker, wiped up the excess fat with paper towel, added the cutlets and did them on top of the oven, being singles and therefore thin they only took a couple of minutes, plated the meal and deglazed the pan with a little stock and spooned it over the cutlets.

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