Home made Pizza is off..........Hubby too tired (not to mention stressed).........Chinese Take-away is all the go, did we want to be involved? well who is going to pass up the chance to meet with Grandies and Support Team? so D.I.L. made the calls, we were given the pick up time and place, then duly presented ourselves at their front door, yummies in hand, well the Darling had yummies in hand, I had two arms full of Grandies.
There were so many dishes, so much to choose from, but this was my selection.

Clockwise from top left corner, lemon chicken, steamed rice (just in case you couldn't recognise it) beef in black bean sauce, sichuan lamb and in the center chicken satay.
After dinner we all settled down to watch one of Grandads Movies, little 3 min segments of life..........we all had the best time, little 3 min segments seem to be the best way to present tiny peeks back in time to when our boys were little, lots of comments, lots of laughs, lots of drawing comparisons between the young version of Dad and the Sons. A lovely night, finished off by a story in bed. Precious times.
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