Friday, April 25, 2008

Warming Comfort Food

Felt the need for some comfort food and thought of Beef Bourguignon, well, thats not a dish to just throw together, but nevertheless I made do, the bacon was too thinly cut, as was the beef, there wasn't a shallot in sight, but we did have a nice bottle of red wine, a thank you pressie to the Darling for some recording done. So following Stephanie Alexanders' recipe, but limping along a little and making do with the ingredients shortfailings, I managed to turn out this dish, flavour was great but the gravy was a little thin, too much stock added at the beginning, the thinner meat meant less cooking time.
However, while I was plating the meal, disaster presented itself, while draining off the Darlings peas a light globe from the overhead lights fell and smacked the side of the saucepan, bits of glass everywhere. The Darling had one small piece of broccoli for his greens, and guess what? at the end of the meal there was still one small piece of broccoli on the plate. Gave it to a dog.
Stephanie Alexander's Beef Bourguignon recipe is my all time fave..........she puts a small piece of orange zest into the bouquet garni along with a bay leaf, a few sprigs of thyme and parsley, this mix really boosts the fruitiness of the red wine
The vegies were mashed potatoes, steamed carrots and steamed broccoli, with an attempted showing of the faithful dried green peas.

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